Davao Mac User


The Macalope Speaketh

AntlersThis week on The Macalope Weekly:

Apple must, I repeat, MUST deliver the goods (i.e. the über, super duper 3G iPhone video v3) else they’ll end up in the poor house. Meanwhile, Uncle Munster says prepare to be underwhelmed come Monday.

What?!? No kitchen sink?

MS’s GMAPDM says “It’s not a netbook, stupid. It’s a “loco”.

Oh, last week on The Macalope Weekly:

The iTablet? Et tu, Macalope?

The Eucalyptus kerfuffle, WTF Apple?!? You can’t tell me not to read Kama Sutra.

The $99 iPhone. Meh.

Clicky on the linkies to check out the antlers.

Filed under: Apple, Inc., iPhone, , , , , ,

The Macalope speaketh

AntlersThis week on The Macalope Weekly:

Microsoft’s $30,000 b*llsh*t. Redmond is getting desperate.

Apple fans know the June 8 is NOT “late June”. Munster don’t see an iPhone or a Jobs on WWDC day. (Gruber has something to say about that.)

The netbook’s shine is fading. Really? Fer sure?

Check out what the horned out has to say.

Filed under: Apple, Inc., , , ,


On July 21, I moved my blog to its own server.

So www.davaomacuser.com no longer points to davaomacuser.wordpress.com.

I've already got a few new posts over there so please join me at www.davaomacuser.com.

See you there. Thanks!

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